Polling Company: Colmar Brunton
Subsciber to NZ Political Polling Code: Yes
Poll Method: Random Phone – 50/50 landline and mobile
Poll Size: 1,007 voters of whom 861 have a party vote preference
Undecideds: 12%
Dates: 7 to 11 April 2018
Client: One News
Report: Colmar Brunton
Party Support
- National 44.0% (+1%)
- Labour 43.0% (-5%)
- Green 6.0% (+1%)
- NZ First 5.0% (+2.4%)
- Maori 1.2% (+0.5%)
- ACT 0.3% (-0.2%)
- Opportunities 0.4% (-0.2%)
Projected Seats
- National 54
- Labour 52
- Green 8
- ACT 1
- NZ First 6
- Total 121
Coalition Options
- CR – National 54 + ACT 1 = 55/121 – six fewer the minimum needed to govern
- CL – Labour 52 + Greens 8 = 60/121 – one fewer than the minimum needed to govern
- C – NZ First 6= 6/121
On this poll NZ First would hold the balance of power
Preferred PM
- Simon Bridges 10.0% (+9%)
- Jacinda Ardern 37% (-4%)
- Winston Peters 5% (+1%)
Economic Outlook
- Better 37% (nc)
- Same 29% (-1%)
- Worse 34 (+1%)
PM’s management of recent events
- Good 35%
- Okay 50%
- Bad 11%
Impact of parenthood on PM’s performance
- Better 15%
- Worse 18%
- No difference 59%
Value in NZ remaining in the Commonwealth
Top priorities for Budget spending
- Health 22%
- Education 13%
- Housing 10%
- Public health 8%
- Roads 7%
- Poverty 6%
- Mental Health 4%