Curia poll on spending and tax cuts
A report on a Curia poll for the Taxpayers Union on how to fund Budget initiatives is here.
A report on a Curia poll for the Taxpayers Union on how to fund Budget initiatives is here.
A poll by Curia for the Taxpayers’ Union on government debt is online here.
A poll by Curia in May 2025 for Family First on a proposed Bathroom Bill is here.
A poll by Curia for the Free Speech Union on whether university funding should be partially contingent on upholding academic freedom is here.
Ipsos has published a poll on populism and trust in institutions in NZ.
A Curia poll for the Taxpayers’ Union on tax bracket indexation is here.
A poll by Curia for the Taxpayers’ Union on whether tax cuts should proceed is here.
The February 2024 Ipsos Issues Monitor is here.
Curia did a poll for the Auckland Holocaust Memorial Trust on Holocaust Awareness in New Zealand. The full results are below.
Holocaust Awareness Poll Results July 2019
Key findings were:
More info can be found at the website of the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand.
Research Now did a poll on Superannuation. Some findings: