Archives: NZ Issues Polls

Car Use Poll

September 1, 2008

A Research NZ poll of 500 respondents on car use was conducted between 15 June and 24 July.

  • 59% say they are driving less due to higher fuel costs, 32% say driving the same and 9% do not drive
  • Of those who are driving less, 17% are using public transport more, 18% are car pooling, 48% are walking more, and 10% have gone to a more fuel efficient vehicle.

Light Bulb Ban

September 1, 2008

A Research NZ poll of 500 respondents on the light bulb ban was conducted between 15 June and 24 July.

  • 46% support making eco-bulbs compulsory and 47% are opposed
  • Under 30s strongest support at 67% to 25%
  • 50 to 60 year olds most opposed with 31% for and 62% against

MMP poll

September 1, 2008

A Research NZ poll of 500 respondents on MMP was conducted between 7 and 14 August.

  • 46% support FPP
  • 41% support MMP
  • Amongst under 30s MMP has 53% to 23% for FPP
  • Amongst those aged over 50, FPP has 59% support

One News has broadcast results from their poll, relating to trust in National:

  • 50% say National is not being open about its plans
  • 37% say they are being open
  • 25% of National’s own supporters say they are not being open
  • 52% against boosting borrowing for infrastructure, 39% agree

TV3 reports on a Research NZ poll on wind farms and other power options.

84% said they have no problems with how wind farms look, and 70% said they would not object to being able to see a wind farm from their home.

On the issue of nuclear power as a source of energy, 54% are oppossed but a significant 37% say it should be considered. 49% of men supported a nuclear power option compared to 26% of women.

Armed Police

July 24, 2008

A Research New Zealand Poll on whether the Police should be armed, has been reported in the NZ Herald.

The poll of 500 people has found that 54% of respondents approve of the Police routinely carrying firearms – up from 33% in 2003.

They also found 44% of respondents are more worried about their personal safety than a year ago.

The poll was taken from 25 June to 9 July 2008.

Rail Purchase

July 21, 2008

The One News/Colmar Brunton Poll reported opinion on the buy back of rail.

68% of respondents supported the purchase with 24% against and 8% not sure. Even 56% of National voters support the buy back.

Polling Company: DigiPoll

Poll Method: Random Phone

Poll Size: 514 (4.2% maximum margin of error)

Dates: 20 to 27 June 2008

Client: Exceltium

Report: exceltium-poll-results-final

Emission Tradings Scheme

  • 34.2% support ETS legislation, 24.3% oppose
  • 45.1% thing climate change is caused by humans and am important issues which must be addressed alongside other major global issues such as hunger
  • 49.2% say NZ should be one of the worl’s leaders on climate change and work at the same pace as other countries determined to make a difference
  • 42.8% are prepared to pay an extra $10 a week in energy costs to tackle climate change. At $20 a week only 16.3% are prepared and at $40 a week only 4.8% are prepared.
  • 47.9% agree NZ’s climate change policies are mainly about our politicians wanting to grandstand on the world stage.
  • Only 33.9% think NZ should proceed with the ETS legislation rather than wait a month to see what the Australian scheme looks like.
  • 34.4% say the ETS as written won’t cut carbon emissions enough to make a difference, with 26.7% disagreeing.

Note there are 14 pages of detailed results in the full report.

Polling Company: ShapeNZ (part of New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development)

Poll Method: Internet Sample

Poll Size: 3,546

Date: February and March 2008

Client: NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development

Report: NZBCSD Media Release

References: Dominion Post

  • 77% say wind power was the best (they must mean desirable not best based on results not adding up to 100%) electricity option for New Zealand in the next 10 years.
  • 69% say solar
  • 47% say geothermal
  • 40% say wave power
  • 35% say small and large scale hydro
  • 19% say nuclear power
  • 10% say gas
  • 8% say coal
  • A proposed ban on building new thermal baseload coal and gas power plants in the next 10 years has 58% support and 26% opposition
  • 70% say NZ not doing enough to encourage renewable energy projects
  • 43% oppose trading in nuclear sourced emission credits, 33% support and 24% do not know
  • 5% say wind farms do not look okay, 48% say they like how they look and 44% say it depends on where they are located
  • Government’s performance on climate change ranked as below average by 36%, average by 21% and above average by 17%.
  • Asked which major party is best favoured to manage climate change, both Labour and National had 32% support, with 36% unsure
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