Polling Company: ShapeNZ (part of New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development)
Poll Method: Internet Sample
Poll Size: 3,546
Date: February and March 2008
Client: NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development
Report: NZBCSD Media Release
References: Dominion Post
- 77% say wind power was the best (they must mean desirable not best based on results not adding up to 100%) electricity option for New Zealand in the next 10 years.
- 69% say solar
- 47% say geothermal
- 40% say wave power
- 35% say small and large scale hydro
- 19% say nuclear power
- 10% say gas
- 8% say coal
- A proposed ban on building new thermal baseload coal and gas power plants in the next 10 years has 58% support and 26% opposition
- 70% say NZ not doing enough to encourage renewable energy projects
- 43% oppose trading in nuclear sourced emission credits, 33% support and 24% do not know
- 5% say wind farms do not look okay, 48% say they like how they look and 44% say it depends on where they are located
- Government’s performance on climate change ranked as below average by 36%, average by 21% and above average by 17%.
- Asked which major party is best favoured to manage climate change, both Labour and National had 32% support, with 36% unsure