Archives: NZ Issues Polls

Financial Optimism

February 10, 2009

Research NZ polled 500 people from 26 November to 3 December 2008 on their financial optimism.

  • 50% think things will be better over the next 12 months and 23% worse


February 10, 2009

Research NZ polled 500 people from 26 November to 3 Decmeber 2008 on republicanism.

  • 42% of NZers support NZ becoming a Republic, and 38% do not
  • 48% of men support a republic, compared to only 37% of women
  • Most under 40s support a republic while those over 60 are against 2:1
  • 45% wants Prince Charles to succeed the Queen and 43% Prince William
  • A net 13% of men want Charles and a net 9% of women want William

Job Security

February 10, 2009

Research NZ polled 500 people from 10 to 13 November 2008 on job security.

  • 73% of those in employment think their job is secure
  • Only 58% of those in households with income under $40K think their job is secure compared to 80% of those in households with over $70k income
  • 39% expect a pay rise in the next year, 58% do not


February 10, 2009

Research NZ polled 500 people from 10 to 13 November 2008 on MMP.

  • 53% support MMP (up 7% from Aug) and 35% FPP (down 6%) suggesting the election result has led to more people happier with MMP
  • 69% of under 30s support MMP but only 45% of over 60s, however MMP more popular than FPP in all age groups

Asian Immigrants

January 31, 2009

A Colmar Brunton survey of 1,000 NZers for the Asia NZ Foundation has found the following:

  • 75% of NZers said Asia was important to NZ’s future. 86% rated South Pacific as important, 67% Europe (incl UK), 55% North America, 24% Latin America and 12% Africa
  • 91% rate exports to Asia as positive, 89% Asian tourism to NZ, 73% FTAs with Asia countries, 80% Asian economic growth, 78% tourism to Asia, 58% imports from Asia, 62% Asian culture and traditions, 46% Asian population growth and 53% immigration from Asia to NZ
  • “Net positive” ratings for the above are 87% exports to Asia, 83% Asian tourism to NZ, 58% FTAs with Asia countries, 70% Asian economic growth, 72% tourism to Asia, 33% imports from Asia, 48% Asian culture and traditions,14% Asian population growth and 27% immigration from Asia to NZ
  • The countries that people associate with Asia are China 86%, Japan 62%, Korea 46%, Thailand 30%, India 30%, Malaysia 28% etc
  • Personal contact with Asian peoples is 19% a lot, 39% a fair amount, 28% not much, and 14% hardly anything.
  • Women and higher socio-economic NZers are more likely to have personal contact with Asians
  • 89% have contact with Asians through shopping, 67% through their work, 71% through friends, 63% through their neighbourhood community, 61% through school, 53% through clubs, 33% through sports, 29% through marriage, 32% through Asian events and 26% through religion.
  • On a warmth scale fo 0 to 100, NZers rate people from India as 70 (in Australia 57), from Japan 73 (64) and China 69 (56). Warmth is highest amongst those people who actually have a lot of contact with people from Asia.
  • 85% think Asian immigrants contribute to our economy, 82% that they bring valuable cultural diversity, and 64% that they improve workplace productivity

Smokefree Areas

January 31, 2009

A survey of 500 Rotorua residents found 85% support a ban on smoking in public playgrounds and the Redwoods forest. A third of the survey were smokers

Economic Management

November 6, 2008

The Herald Digipoll asked whether a Labour-led government or a National-led one would better handle the New Zealand economy as the world faces a downturn.

  • 49.6% said National
  • 40.7% said Labour

Beach Nudity

November 2, 2008

Research NZ reports on views on beach nudity:

  • 28% say people should be able to be nude on beaches, 45% say they should not and 26% say only on specially designated beaches.
  • 52% of women and 28% of men were against any nudity
  • Only 34% of under 30s are against any nudity, but 62% of over 60s are

Organic Food

November 2, 2008

Research NZ have done a poll on organic food. Findings are:

  • 41% have purchased organic food in last four weeks
  • 55% say they will buy organic food if no more than 10% more expensive than non-organic.
  • Only 15% will buy organic food if it is 25% or more expensive

Research New Zealand has done a poll of 300 Wellington businesses.

  • 68% believe economy will get worse in next six months, 15% stay the same and 11% get better – a net negative of 57%
  • 37% satisfied with Clark performance, 54% not satisfied
  • 64% satisfied with Key performance, 18% not satisfied
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