Archives: NZ Issues Polls

Morality of New Zealanders

September 14, 2009

UMR polled 750 NZers from 30 July to 2 August 2009. Findings:

  • The most morally acceptable activities were divorce (81%), sex before marriage (77%), birth outside marriage (71%)
  • Homosexual relations deemed acceptable by 61%, euthanasia by 55%, abortion by 55% and gambling by 52%
  • Least acceptable are human cloning (7%), polygamy (11%), affairs (13%), suicide (20%), animal cloning (27%) and the death penalty (41%)


September 14, 2009

ResearchNZ did a poll of 500 respondents from 8 to 10 September. Findings:

  • 45% want to retain MMP, 42% do not
  • 58% of under 25s want to retain MMP but only around 40% of over 55s

MMP Poll

August 23, 2009

UMR did a poll from 2 to 6 July 2009 of 750 New Zealanders. Findings include:

  • 41% support MMP, 40% FPP, 19% unsure or no preference
  • 32% say MMP has had a positive impact, 37% were neutral and 24% said it had a negative impact
  • 64% want a referendum on MMP, 26% do not
  • 74% support reducing MPs from 120 to 100, 18% do not
  • 69% of the 74% support a reduction, even if it means House is no longer fully proportional

Curia poll on mobile phones

August 12, 2009

Curia did a poll for Exceltium in August 2009 of 800 mobile phone owners. The full results are here: 090807 Curia Report

Key findings:

  • 48% on Vodafone, 47% Telecom, 3% both and 2% other
  • 33% said their choice of network was influenced by whether the people they call or text are on the same network
  • 73% say mobile phone charges are higher in NZ than overseas and 3% disagree
  • 81% believe Telecom and Vodafone are over-charging and only 5% disagree
  • 86% say they should be able to call someone on a different network for the same cost as someone on the same network, and 88% say the same for texting
  • 85% think it is wrong it often costs more to ring a mobile phone domestically than to call someone living overseas
  • 37% trust companies to lower their prices voluntarily, 55% do not
  • 81% want the Government to accept the Commerce Commission’s recommendation to lower the termination rate, and 14% do not
  • 15% said they are more likely to vote for a party that lowered mobile phone costs through reducing the termination rates and only 1% said they are less likely

The One News Colmar Brunton Poll of 1,001 respondents from 25 to 29 July asked several questions on smacking:

  • 70% say they intend to vote in the referendum and 24% do not.
  • 20% say the referendum is a good use of public money and 76% do not.
  • 25% say the current law as it relates to smacking and child discipline is working and 63% say it is not.
  • 13% say they intend to vote yes in the referendum, and 83% vote no
  • 2% say it is ok to smack children under any circumstance, 83% say ok to smack under some circumstances and14% say not okay under any circumstances.

Smacking Referendum Poll

August 1, 2009

Research NZ polled 481 people from 17 to 19 June:

  • Only 18% think the referendum is a good use of taxpayers money as the PM has said the Government is unlikely to change the law

Superannuation poll

August 1, 2009

Research NZ polled 505 people from 4 to 11 June:

  • 72% aware that Govt has suspended contributions to NZ Super Fund
  • 73% concerned about whether future Governments can provide for retired NZers

Cell phones in cars poll

August 1, 2009

Research NZ surveyed 505 people from 4 to 11 June:

  • 86% agree it should be illegal to use a cellphone when driving
  • However only 42% say this should apply to hands free phones

The ACT Party commission Telelink to do poll of 500 respondents. The report is here.

  • 55% have heard of the Three Strikes policy
  • 35% strongly agree with it and 45% agree with it (note exact details were not given to respondents)
  • 73% want the ACT policy adopted by National as government policy

Digipoll did a survey of 200 parents of 4-year-olds. The results are here.

  • 61% of mothers smack their child occassionally
  • 67% of fathers smack their child occassionally
  • Most common punishment for mothers is sending to room at 71% and smacking is most common punishment for only 2% of mothers
  • Most common punishment for fathers is sending to room at 63% and smacking is most common punishment for only 6% of fathers
  • 95% of mothers reward good behaviour
  • Onlu 9% of mothers breastfeed for over a year – down from 42% in 1997
  • 40% of mothers never spent a night apart from their child for the first two years
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