Ipsos poll on immigration

October 2, 2016

Ipsos did a poll on immigration issues in multiple countries including 505 adults in NZ.

Findings include:

  • 48% say housing affordability is one of top two issues
  • 47% say immigration has been positive for NZ, 31% negative
  • A net 52% agree immigration should be targeted at professions with shortages
  • A net 48% say refugees can become highly valued contributors to society
  • A net 35% say immigration has made NZ a more interesting place to live
  • A net 28% say immigration is good for the economy
  • A net 30% agree immigration has placed too much pressure on public services
  • A net 15% are confident most refugees will integrate
  • A net 12% say immigration has made it harder for those here to get jobs
  • A net 10% say there are too many immigrants in NZ
  • A net 10% say terrorists who pretend to be refugees will enter NZ
  • A net 7% say immigrants are often better workers than those already here
  • A net -15% want an increase in the number of refugees
  • A net -35% say the number of immigrants who can move here should increase
  • A net -40% want no refugees accepted at all
  • 48% of NZers think Brexit was wrong decision for the UK and 32% right decision

The full results are here – ipsos-new-zealand-immigration-refugees-and-brexit-survey-report-2016

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