Q+A Colmar Brunton poll Nov 2015

December 14, 2015

A Colmar Brunton poll for Q+A found:

Most concerning issues in order:

  1. Wages
  2. Housing affordability
  3. Unemployment
  4. Foreign property ownership
  5. Immigration
  6. Climate change


  • Government should be doing more about poverty 66%
  • Government is doing about right amount 27%
  • Government should be doing less 1%

Social Housing

  • Government should be doing more for social housing 55%
  • Government is doing about right amount 36%
  • Government should be doing less 3%


  • NZ should become a republic 19%
  • Stay with monarchy 73%

Australian deportations

  • NZ should deport non citizens who serve more than a year in prison 74%
  • Disagree 18%
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