Curia Market Research - accurate, affordable, astute

Curia Market Research Ltd has been operating since 2004 and offers both quantitative and qualitative market research through our polling and other services. It is located in Wellington, but has clients throughout New Zealand, and overseas.

Curia’s principal, David Farrar, has over twenty years of experience in all aspects of polling from question design to results analysis. He has provided polling services to five New Zealand Prime Ministers, and eight Opposition Leaders.

Curia believes polling is an art, as well as a science. The most essential aspect to any poll is taking the time to understand the key drivers for clients, and ensuring the questions asked will be of maximum value to them in making decisions based on the research.

As well as offering customised market research to our clients, we also run regular omnibus nation-wide polls to which we can add a small number of additional questions for a modest cost.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss how Curia can assist you and your organisation.

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